Timothy Trimble
Publisher: Ion Blue Publishing
A Collection of Short Stories by Timothy Trimble Sci-fi & Fantasy Stories 22K Words Why Undiscovered? Well, aside from the web-based audience who have seen these stories at various locations, there has not been a way to see the full compilation of the stories I have exposed to the world. As a whole, they are undiscovered. A Peek at the Author, Timothy Trimble These stories uncover a part of me as a writer. For the Zegin’s Adventures stories and the Air Born series, I fully map out the story, its background, characters, and universe before I actually sit down and do the real writing. With the short stories, I take a totally different approach. I’m always getting flooded with ideas. Some good, some not so good, and some are crazy exciting. When I get an idea for a story, I usually know right away if it’s a complex tale which needs to be fully mapped out, or if it’s to be a fanciful quest of discovery without knowing where it will lead me. These stories are those quests. The spark of ideas sometimes come from observation. Examination of animal life and wondering what would happen if they were just a little smarter - Squirrels With Guns. Some are ponderings about a historical genius with a twist of steampunk - The Wings of Leonardo. Others touch the concept of the difference between death or fading away - Invis. Sometimes I just need a way to vent my anger and frustrations with real life and the pain it brings to friends - Touched. And there is the fascination with time and portals to other universes - The Pendant and Jezi’s Dilemma. My relationships with friends and associates who are autistic became the source for my desire to do research and mix in my interest in quantum entanglement - Meghan’s Crayons. Overall, Undiscovered provides me a vehicle for exposing me, my ideas, my inner being, and my quests as a writer. It is my hope these tales bring you as much joy in reading as they have brought me in writing them. Enjoy the quests!